More on the DVD project

Here's an example of some of the challenges I'm facing in my project. Below are before and after shots of a single video frame. The actual frame is a transition frame that joins 2 sequences of several. I have been meticulously editing out the little things that catch the eye as the movie plays...frame-by-frame. There are 1530 frames in this sequence and I have been working on this off and on for 2-3 weeks. What you see is frame 435.








When I'm done with this clip, I believe I may copyright it as a restored version due to the amount of work involved. I purchaced the clip online because it was actually the best I could find. I believe that this peticular clip played in the drive-ins in the 50's-60's so the origional actually is public domain. Many of the drive-in clips that are available have been copied off 16mm and 35mm film salvaged by collectors. I suppose if I actually ran into any actual footage that was unique, I would buy that and have it converted to digital form. My real goal is not to make this clip perfect...just better than anything else available while still maintaining the integrity of an old clip.

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