Microsoft Lost thier Redemption Value.

The problem I had with MSN video cropped up again. All the fixes stopped fixing. While I was working on it previously, I started creating a new setup on a spare hard drive...kind of a master desktop setup. Well I finally hosed my current setup so I went back to that project yesterday. Almost ready to re-image my main drive now.

As I was installing all my apps, I would take the time to check to see if MSN Video was still working. I think my first problem, was actually a broken codec. But after installing my favorite video converter, the video's played but like they were travelling through hyperspace...

I found this sticky message on the forum....

Due to a wrong handling of a certain DirectShow ActiveX filter
WindowsMediaPlayer 9,10,11 can show (at least) one of these symptoms:
1.speeding up/or freezing the video playback when playing
2.missing sound when playing some audio in Mono


Once I got rid of the bad codec and no longer crashing IE, I was often experiencing symptom #2. Kind of a drag also since it would work on some vids and not on others. Also worked perfect in Firefox...


to correct this issue:
1. Open a DOS box and type (ATTENTION case sensitive):
Rundll32, config
exactly as shown here, hit enter


A window will open,
go to "system" Tab
Uncheck PCM
Uncheck MPEG Audio
Hit OK

This fixed all the I can think about mowing the yard...I said THINK!

Speaking of thinking, you would think Microsoft would have known about this bug and had it documented somewhere. Would have saved lot's of headaches.

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