The 6 Month Rule

Unlike my packrat father, I have a rule that I've self imposed on myself. If I haven't used it in 6 months I can throw it out. Last night I backed up the trailer to the backdoor and loaded it up. The rule got stretched by a good 2 years so it was definately time. Some of it I threw away I have no clue about. If I didn't have a sentimental attachment to it, or legal need of it, Or wouldn't help me make any money it went!

One of those jobs that seems to rise to the put off until another day list. I need to do the same with the storage shed also. The goal eventually is to not use the backroom for storage at all. I plan on knocking out a wall and making a larger bedroom.

It was 94 degrees when I came home from work yesterday so I waited for a few hours to start my project. My motivation actually was to make enough room to move the "overflow"stuff out of the other bedroom to make way for my favorite teenager.

The chief cook and bottle washer's daughter lives in Tennessee and we fly her out every year for the summer. This will be her third trip. Last year she picked up some work at the local market when she was out so we didn't see her as often but was still a great visit.

So I've got to go to Sacramento tonight to pick her up at 8pm.

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2 responses
That's a terrific rule! Good for you! I love getting rid of clutter, but it's like pulling eye-teeth to get me to do it. I usually camp out in front of the TV and watch "Clean Sweep" until I see people saying things like "Oh, but I LOVE my stack of papers - they are my precious" - and then I think - "Hey, they are freaks!" - but then I remember that I love my stack of papers too... Ugh... So I throw out a stack.
Papers were just part of it. Threw out printers, monitors, dvd/vcr's know stuff a computer tech intends on fixing someday. Motivation is definately a problem but keeping the problem at bay without the need of the first problem, is the second problem. I guess if I actually set a date six months from now and did it again I'd have better results.