The Old Driveway is "Officially Closed"


Been busy the last few weekends being creative. This fence is where the driveway use to be. It's not done yet. I still need to trim the posts and put 2x6's across the the tops of the panels and do a little more on the gate.


We hauled in a couple yards of soil and spread it out in this area behind the fence this weekend. Then I cut in our new walkway area. I still don't have a complete vision of what it is supposed to look like when it's all done but how can i go wrong? Anything will beat 4" of gravel with weeds growing through the middle.


My work is definately cut out for me. Maybe by the spring i'll be ready for lawn? Still haven't figered out the sprinkler system yet either. Of course I'm not admitting that I know what I'm doing either.

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5 responses
Lots of potential there, though I will admit to not having much desire to work outside on those kinds of things.
Some of the toughest times I've gone through have been aided by tinkering in the garden. So I got so I like tinkering but still don't like the having to water everything and mow the lawn...I like the results!
Keep up the good work. I am glad that I pay someone to maintain my part of our garden.
WOW looks great...we have been doing alot of yard work around here as well. Planted grass seed three times this spring and the first two it got washed into teh neighbors yard, but finally we have grass in the front and the back and side yard. Now if I can just get a pump for my fish pond all will be great.
A small fishpond might be nice here too. A pump shouldn't be that expensive. Some of the landscaping places carry plastic ponds and pumps. I think Home Depot and Lowe's carry them here also. If you take the old one out it probably has a tag on it to tell you the flow rating.
Thanks for the encouragement on our project.