Mutha Nature

This woke me up the other morning in the middle of the night. We were having some fairly good winds and the neighbors tree decideded to part with one of its limbs, Fortunately, there wasn't all that much damage considering what it could have done.....MISSED THE BOAT!



It knocked over my archway I bought and painted but never set it up in it's final destination. The damage is easily repairable or can be hidden with some more paint.


Time to break out the chainsaw again.

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2 responses
Beware of nature, she's a mutha alright! :)Looks like you might need more than a chainsaw to clean up that mess.
I know it's Sunday but I might just have to do that today. I've got an electric chainsaw I picked up at a garage sale. More stuff to haul to the dumps. The resident gardener trimmed off all the small stuff already and put in the green waste can for me. So it shouldn't take too long. It promisses to be hot again today so we may go to the lake instead.