Back from Seattle - Happy 4th!

Got to see some fireworks last night from 19000 feet. I was on a puddlejumper from SF to Redding coming back from Seattle. It was quite a different view from that far up as opposed to being on the ground looking up.

Seattle reminds me of LA with trees and lots of water. Traffic sucks.

Fortunately, the vehicle I rented got good gas mileage. I think I saw 3 or 4 stations in my travels. The bathroom flooded at my hotel so I switched rooms but had to switch back because the Internet didn't work in the new room. I stayed at the Days Inn on 7th right downtown. Really close to the Space Needle.

Monday night after I finally got done with work, I walked over to the Needle to see about dinner...they were booked up! So I ate across the street at a place called Sports. Food was good.

The weather was amazingly nice for the 2 days I was there. Even got to 85 degrees! Reminded me alot like Santa Cruz weather but Seattle is more famous for its' rain than its' sunshine.


2 responses
Happy 4th to you too. I've never seen fireworks from a plane before. Sounds neat. I like Seattle. I was out there a few years ago to do some work. The weather was great, but it was November/December - a bit chilly.
There's a reason I don't live in Seattle proper, let alone visit that often. Traffic sucks.

The amount of rain here is actually not as much as some other places. It is cloudy more often that not.

You did luck out on the weather. Summer doesn't usually start until the 5th.