Friday The Thirteenth

I'm not exactly superstitious but things seem to happen on this day for some reason.

Day started out pretty good. Left for Paradise early to pick-up a laptop I had re-imaging from the day before and take it to the client in Oroville. The image setup went ok but for some reason the software push that follows failed to exit. Took forever to get to the desktop. Then had problems installing the printer. Not looking real good at this point.

Finished that job and went and installed a printer in Chico...went well. Since I was in Chico ( I planned this good) I stopped at a private clients office to setup a 1 TB hd drive on the network and it was DOA. Spent 2 hours on the phone driving home before I got an RMA number from the manufacturer...

On the way to my first job I got a speeding ticket. I was actually going the same speed as the cars in front of me but I was at the end of the line keeping my distance. I was the easiest target I guess. I'll probably go for the traffic school to keep it off my record, I do fairly good considering I drive around 60,000 miles a year. It's been a few years since I've been stopped for anything at all.

So while the day kinda sucked, nothing terribly bad happened that couldn't or hasn't happened any other day besides Friday the Thirteenth.


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2 responses
Other than a speeding ticket, sounds like a normal day at the office to me. :)
My most unfavorite Friday 13 was the night I graduated from high school and got thrown in jail. (I hadn't broken the law...long story) The cop almost lost my licence and I was leaving for Fresno the next morning. Made it to the bus station with about 5 minutes to spare.