Off to Seattle

The boss called me yesterday and said they needed me in Seattle again. At first I was to be leaving this morning but then they ran the numbers. I would get there too late to do anything today and have only one day before 2 days off. So I'm supposed to leave here Sunday Night and come back next Friday night now. Since I haven't got reimbursed for the last trip yet, they are supposed to send me an advance overnight. I haven't seen an itinerary confirmation yet either though.

In anticipation, I picked up a cheap printer to take along so I don't have to fire-up my laptop except to run the GPS if I get lost. Somewhere I have an old serial thermal printer that I got with Epson CP/M laptop years ago. These things work forever. I'm sure it still works but the question is can I get it to work with XP or not is another issue for another day.

Looks like the weather will be tolerable up there next week also.

Last night we had one heck of a storm blow through here, The winds were around 30-40 mph. At one point we got hail the size of malt balls you get at the show. The rain came in buckets with spare compartments. It was so intense actually that the roof started leaking. I'm not gonna get in a tizzy though. I've seen daylight show through brand new roofs before and never have a leak. There's likely 3-4 more years life in this roof as it sits. If it leaks again under normal conditions, we will move the plan up a bit.

The good news is that there is no major damage to the house, my new fencem and the water drains as planned in my new lawn area.


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2 responses
The weather up here is usually tolerable. Right now, though, it's not exactly stable. Warmer because it's summer, but it's been on and off raining.Buy a phone with GPS like the Nokia N95 so you don't have to fire up your laptop. :)
Great idea except one thing...I can bearly see the display on both cell phones I have now. Another issue is typing the address I need in. I don't text-message anyone so I never developed the necessary keyboard skills with my oversized fingers on a cell phone...ok that was 2 things.
There are several Handheld GPS units out though. Since I am already familiar with Delorme software, I might go with one of thiers one of these days. I seldom actually need a GPS unless I can't read the map or have never been in the area before.
My service area used to be 200 miles across diagonally. Some days I would rack-up as much as 400 miles. I often find I know how to get around in the cities around here better than the residents.
BTW there are several GPS applications available on my sprint phones