No Word - Seattle Trip Update

While I look forward to getting the hell out of dodge, I haven't recieved my advance check nor have I recieved an itinerary from the travel agency the company uses. I emailed my supervisor this morning but have no word back yet.

This could be tied to the fact that my company seems to think that we should pay to work and then submit an expense report to get reimbursed. I don't mind the normal buy my gas and get reimbursed by the following week. I do get mileage reimbursment. But they also expect this for travel. This means having around $2000 bucks available credit on my credit card...and waiting at least 2 weeks to get my money back because I have to send in the reciepts for hotel,car rental, fuel/mileage, parking etc. or they won't pay me. Another gripe I have is the fact I don't get payed interest for use of my money. The credit card companies charge interest based on an average daily balance...these costs definately drives the balance up.

When you are a full-time employee of a company, you shouldn't have to pay to be able to work. Especially, if they don't pay you enough to have discrecinary income to use. Our reviews are due and I understand the company is giving raises based on performance...the average being 3%. My district manager is so tight I'm not expecting anything regardless of how good I feel I do.

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Demand they get you a corporate credit card. While I don't travel nearly as much as I used to, I do incur expenses on a regular basis all the same. Wherever possible I put things on that card. With rare exception, work-related expenses are the only thing I use that card for. Note that in my case, I am still responsible for paying the bill at the end of the month. Ultimately, the company is responsible for the card, though. At least the charges aren't going on my personal credit cards. If I do it right, I can take advantage of the float and actually get reimbursed before the credit card bill arrives.
Just got confirmation they are sending a big check...fortunately should arrive before the hotel and car rental bills are due. So I'll just fund the account in advance to cover what the cost will be. They are also sending what they already owe me so things should be ok.
Still waiting for the itinerary but it's being setup for me as of a few minutes ago.
Will be in Seattle Sunday night sometime and going home Friday night.