A Suprise House Guest -EEK!

Poor thing's gotta come in the house to get food. I guess pickins are bad around here. It looked terrified when I finally saw him. The cook eeked and I heard the catfood go all over. Didn't even have to chase him out. He apparently knew where the door was even in the confusion.

Ok so that makes it a possum, a bald eagle, a salmon and an unknown fish for the day. Still almost 2 hours left. I wonder what's next.

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Since Slim had been in to eat just a short while earlier, I knew the crunching I heard in the kitchen wasn't from him. Good thing I went to investigate!
My last meeting with a possum. He or she had a cocker spaniel backed in a corner. lol......took the hose to convince the possum to go.
Darn things have quite a row of teeth and can be quite agressive. I believe this one passes through my yard on a semi-regular basis. After he was startled, he went back and ate some more and got some water. All I had to do was stay out of his way. He could probably tell, since I wasn't yelling at him, I wasn't enough of a threat to go into defense mode. He/she didn't hiss at all.