Tribute to Kosmo

I just recieved an email that my good friend Kim's loyal companion had passed. He got so old and the pain was so great that he had to be put down. He surely will be missed. It's been a while since I've seen him but time will never pass that I will not recall how wonderful and special that this peticular dog was, not only to my friend but to me as well.


Fishing will never be the same again. I remember him standing in the river trying to catch trout that would swim near his feet. He would park himself on the passenger seat when we would go anywhere. When I would step out of the car to run into the store or something, I'd come back and find him in the drivers seat. When he was hungry he'd let you know by bringing his bowl to you for a refill.

Somehow, even with long periods of not seeing me, I could tell he remembered me. I'd come over and knock on the door and he'd bark. Usually, he would stop when he heard my voice call his name. Kosmo was a great watch dog. He could spread fear with his size and his bark. One might never guess that he was an extremely loving animal.

When I'd come over for a visit, he'd sit by my feet or try to climb in my lap and constantly poke me to scratch his head or get some type of attention. Coming through the door, I'd usually be greeted with paws on my shoulders and a whine in excitement that I came to visit.

I guess he knew I was a good guy and loved him too.


Bye Kosmo

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