Garage Sales!

Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are the biggest sale days in my area. I probably should have one myself one of these days. It's amazing all the things you collect over the years. All the things you "really" need! yeah right!

When they would let you...I was one of the people who would bring back almost as much stuff from the dumps as I would take sometimes. There is something to be said for getting a good deal on something. Not being rich, many of my home furnishings over the years were from the early garage sale era. The plain fact of the matter is that I'm a tightwad sometimes and a good deal for something I really need can only be found at a decent garage sale.

Garage sale days are also a cheap source of entertainment. When I was much younger, we used to drive around following garage sale signs and look for the best deals. Then turn around and resell some of the things for a profit at the flea market or at a garage sale of our own. Even though I no longer frequent garage sales, I do keep my eyes peeled driving past them at warp speed in my daily travels. Yesterday being no exception.

I was on my way to Chico down Highway 99 yesterday afternoon at about 55+ mph and had to make a quick Uee to see if I had seen what I thought I had seen....among all the other crap I spied a boat motor. The guy said it was a 20HP and only wanted $150 bucks for it. He hauled his stuff there on a boat trailer so I had no reason to not believe the fact he also had a 25 horse motor and didn't need this one.

He pointed out the new plugs he had just put in it and told me He had just had it in the river a few weeks prior making sure it ran ok. The only thing wrong with it is the choke linkage/bracket is missing. Supposedly you can pop the cover and operate the choke manually to get it started...which is also supposedly on the first pull. Considering the fact that I currently had only a 6hp motor that runs and a 1956 15hp that needs work, I figured what the heck! So I gave him my number and told him to hold it. I would be back with the cash in 2 hours after I completed my mission in Chico.

I did a little research by serial number on the web when I got it home and it is actually an 1966 18hp Evinrude. The age doesn't really bother me because many people don't take thier boat out over 3-4 times a year. It's not like a car that is driven like hell. Most boat people take care of thier motors to avoid getting stranded up shit creek without a paddle so to speak. So a 41 year old motor is no big deal. I also understand him not knowing it wasn't a 20hp motor as the 15, 18, and 25hp models are almost the same. Lot's of parts are interchangable.

So anyway, I figure it won't be long before I'm able to fish for salmon like the rest of the guys if things work out...and get there and back 3 times faster.

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1 response
I love a good garage sale - much more than having one myself.. Whenever I have one, it only shows me that everything I have is apparently useless. I've had good luck at sales, though except for a DVD player which didn't work but for $5 I could take the risk. We picked up an ice hockey table last year for $40 - it was almost regulation size and it's been a lot of fun, so worth it. Hope you have good luck with the motor.