Back to the Bay Area....

Leaving for San Jose today to work in that area for Thursday and Friday. Only have 1 call in Chico to run and then I'm off. Fortunately I get paid to drive. Not much fun traveling that far in lousy weather though. Just booked my room so it's official.

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5 responses
Cool - have fun! I love driving. I usually load up my mp3 player with all the latest tech podcasts so I can keep up to date.
I usually just grab a hand full of DVD's to watch at night. Listen to the radio as I drive.
Radio sucks. Podcasts are a far better use of my drive time.
T.his would require one of those IPod thingy ma jiggers. I do have an fm transmitter that can plug into one though. But I usually listento AM Talk shows. Got into that when KSCO went talk after the earthquake in Santa Cruz
I listen to podcasts on my Nokia phones. Who needs an iPod? I have a iPod Shuffle, but I hardly use it.