Happy Thanks4giving!

I'm gonna try my hand at smoking a turkey today. I'm having a little difficulty lighting it though.

It's good that Thanksgiving is on a Thursday. Gives us a chance to party like a Pilgrim. The very first Thanksgiving was actually a harvest festival. The true story unfortunately has not been told though....

The first year the Pilgrims landed they set up a govenment to manage the colony. The structure was similiar to socialism in the begining. Everybody worked for the common good of the colony. The first year, half of the colony died. The govenor of the colony realized this didn't work. I mean after all, why would someone want to work really hard to put food on other peoples tables.

Seeing the problems, the GOV immediatiatly changed things. This was necessary to guarantee the survival of the colony. What resulted is Democracy and Capitalism in it's earliest forms.

The indians, probably didn't like bodies littering thier hunting grounds so they taught the Pilgrims how to hunt, plant corn and generally survive through the harsh winters. They came together for the feast the next fall after harvest. Turkeys, Deer, corn, Fish, pumkin (maybe) and just about everything they could muster up for the 3 day party.

It's amazing to me how quickly they discovered socialism doesn't work. It's also amazing that people still think the government needs to control everything and be responsible for everything. Taking charge of your own life and taking the resonsibilty of the outcome is the only way to succeed.

And now for the entertainment portion of our show!

Anyway, special thanks today for those that gave thier lives, used thier ingenuity, had vision and forsight and made our country what it is today...thank God for all of you.

For a more accurate account of Thanksgiving check this out!


3 responses
The turkey trot was cute. The film made me cry. I was 4 when it was made and I am sure we had turkey that day. sigh*How did the turkey smoking go?
Didn't mean to make you cry young lady! Hope you had a great day.
Well it is so sad. Doesn't seem to be much family life anymore. George has really messed us over with the world. The religious people are radicals. Yikes.