Fridays Road Trip to Weed - Free Wallpaper

I put my camcorder on the tripod and recorded my road trip to Weed on Friday.  One of the nice things is that, with the camcorder running, you are bound to capture at least one single frame worth preserving.

Mt Shasta 022208

5 responses
Looks a bit like Mt. Rainier, which I can see quite well on a clear day--maybe not from my house, but from other places nearly. It's a bit farther out than Mt. Shasta likely is from you.
They all look somewhat similiar with snow on them. What makes this shot unique is the fact it was taken through the windshield with the car travelling at about 65mph. Something difficult to replicate with a digital camera which would require standing in the middle of the freeway to take. There are some shots that you can only see from the car because the pullouts are just at the wrong place. It's just a matter of having the camera pointing the right direction and the tape rolling to catch it.
Nice. We were in Seattle a few years ago and went over to Levinworth for lunch. I thought it was so amazing to be in like 55 degree weather and then up into a snowstorm, where we got out and played for a bit, then back into Levinworth. What a (wintery) blast.
Glad to hear you only went for lunch. Did they shackle you to the table for authenticity? LOL
Actually the Levenworth prison is in Kansas and Leavenworth Washington is a Bavarian commuminity...
One thing nice about California is you can go from desert to snow in under an hour depending on where you start. We have what are called High Plains areas. Washington is similiar except you may go from 110 degrees here to snowstorm weather.
Depends on time of year as well. We rarely get anything above the 50s this time of year anywhere in the state. There are some temperature differentials here in WA state, but you have to drive farther than an hour to find the truly drastic ones.