Saturday Night- Playing with the Camcorder

Basically I was checking out the night shot capability of the camera. In this video you will see the screen change and look green. That is the night shot. What I found was that the closer the subject is, and the level of zoom determines how pronounced the effect is. At the end of this little clip, it almost looks black and white.

5 responses
The effects were interesting, but more was the fact I saw and felt a house filled with love and that my friend is priceless.
Thanks! Absolutely everything needs love to survive...even the bugs. Unless they don't stay outside where they belong. Fortunately we have an understanding and they do. LOL
lol Yes I agree. I have a few friendly creatures ladybugs and long legged granddaddy spiders and we get along. The rest must go.
I try relocation first before going to drasic life threatning measures myself.
Yes I agree with that although I have been known to kill flys.