Happy Leap Year!

Hey what can I say? Nothing is perfect except maybe Bo Derrick...LOL 

What can you expect when the the calendar we all use was developed in 46 BC (Before Computers). Considering that though it's still fairly amazing what we can come up with even with limited tools at hand.

Leap years are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the earth's revolutions around the sun.

This is proof that there is nothing wrong with the earth or the sun...they are doing what they are supposed to do. The earth is earthing and the sun is well...sunning. Its' job is to warm us globally. By traveling around the sun and wobbling like it does, the earth keeps us from getting too hot or too cold for too long.  I mean really, this has been going on since before recorded time!

Neither the earth nor the sun seem to make mistakes...only the upright apparently or supposededly thinking inhabitants.

Today is a day of celebration! It serves as an example that we can correct the mistakes we make intelectually at least. But regardless of what we do....the earth will go on earthing and the sun will go on sunning right up to the point we do something to cause complete global destruction.