On The Air

My New Wallpaper.

Check out the Techzilla Cam on My sidebar. Don't know how long I will leave it up or where it will end up. I'm using my camcorder actually and to display my screen, the cam is in front of the monitor. I thought about putting a cam near the bird feeders for some live bird action but would have to use my laptop and stream it wirelessly to my router. My Desktop gets rather boring actually. Anyway who knows?

2 responses
Fun! I did something like that a long time ago - I had just bought a webcam and I loaded some microsoft software - I don't even recall what it was, but it started streaming away. I think a bird cam is always a cool thing.
It would be easier to do with a dual screen so I coulkd work on at least one side.. this just gets in the way and I don't like pointing it at me in my boxers. The world is alread corrupt enough.