Getting Ready For EBAY

I've been procrastinating for quite awhile. Finally getting my act together. Last Friday I got layed off from work because of the low work volume. So I decided to start my EBAY sales venture.

Since I'm Into video, I'm creating a few DVD's that I can start selling over and over.with little cash outlay. Also I'll be picking up VHS tapes at garage sales and stuff.


I setup a table I picked up today at Wally World and was playing with camera lighting. I need at least one more light and some different backgrounds. The picture on the right is without the 6-led BBQ light I got. They are magnetic and clamp on and have a goosneck so it should be fairly decent for display with one or two more of them.

So after I jumped into this old boss calls me and wants to get me hired on with a temp agency. Basically doing the same thing for less money...they think. Everytime they have monkeyed with my money I come out ahead for some reason. I know how to work the system.

Anyway how it works out is I am less accountable for my time and can pursue other revenue streams.

It's taken all week to design 2 DVD's. Lot's of details to work out an they are about ready for the final check. I've also started a 3rd one.Remastering my content is fairly time consuming. But in between doing that I have been learning how to use Sony DVD Architect. I definately have the basics down. I was able to create a theme that I can reuse for future stuff so everthing is more consistent.

So as a result I haven't been blogging much....busy busy busy.

4 responses
Most companies are stupid in the sense that they "lay you off" or "retire you." Then they realize they still need you, and pay you to come back as a contractor--where their outlay ends up being much greater than if they kept you employed under the original scheme.Another great example of this. Uncle Jim is retired from his long-time employer, but he's still doing side work for him. Working about half time--mostly from home--and making twice as much. He's loving it!I'm lucky to be working for a company that actually recognizes my value and pays me accordingly. It's demanding at times, but it's a great job at a great company.
Layed off - eeek! You're like the 4th person on Vox in my neighborhood to go through this. I was layed off in 1988 and it sucked. I had to sell just about everything I had for a while. Good luck with the new business - I think we all need one.
Thanks for the support. I start back Monday with a temp agency doing the same work but with a different boss...less money of course but I got tapped into unemployment on a years grant. I just have to report all earnings and If I make more money then I don't get my check.
BUT, there is a big problem with being rehired as a consultant--it happened to my "so-called husband". You don't earn any benefits, so it doesn't pay into a pension fund. If you've been forced to cash out your pensions (as most construction people have to do), you are left with an empty bag. Job shoppers without benefits are cheated by the employers who get what they want without having to pay as much for it. Social Security is not enough to live on. As a spouse, I can't live on half of his benefit, either. I stand by Sen. Bernie Sanders, VT and all he has to say.