Blame Congress -Part 2

This is an article sent to me by my other half from an online newspaper in Tennessee. Michael Reagan (son of Uncle Ronnie), shifts the blame to the environmentalists. My take on this is these are the guys possible hammering Congress into Compliance...I still blame Congress as they have the final say...

Put the blame where it belongs

By Michael Reagan, Monday, May 5, 2008 12:12 am

In case you haven't noticed, gas prices are soaring, hiking the cost of food and just about everything else.

If you believe Hillary Clinton, the blame for all this lies on the shoulders of those greedy oil companies and their bloated profit margins, a notion that like just about every other snake-oil remedy she tries to peddle is simply not the case.

We're in the mess because of a small handful of people with the money and the power to inflict grievous harm on their fellow humans, whom they just happen to despise.

It's about time for you and your fellow Americans to know just who they are and what they are doing to all of us in the name of saving the planet that for millions of years has shown to be perfectly capable of saving itself without their help.

If you are really sick and tired of $4-a-gallon gasoline, really sick of being dependent on foreign oil, and equally as sick of seeing your food bills go up, the conventional wisdom would lead you to blame the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. But that's a waste of time, as is blaming George Bush or the oil companies.

None of them make environmental policy. That policy is set by three individuals, two located in New York City. If you want to drill in Alaska or the Gulf of Mexico or in the continental U.S. — where billions of gallons of petroleum are just waiting to be tapped — or build refineries, these three people stand in your way.

They are John Flicker of the National Audubon Society, Frances Beinecke of the Natural Resources Defense Council, and Trip Van Noppen of the organization Earthjustice.

Flicker and Beinecke both live and work in New York City where they probably don't own cars, and they are happy that you have to spend more and more of your budget on food and fuel. You are being punished for being Americans.

Van Noppen runs Earthjustice from Oakland, Calif. None of these three is in touch with America. They hate America, they hate you. And they want your gas to cost $8 a gallon.

Earlier this year they filed a lawsuit to prevent drilling for oil and natural gas in Alaska. This is just a leading tactic in their arsenal. All of you need to call these three and demand that they get out of the way and stop impeding our rights to find and drill for petroleum here in North America.

After all, if the Chinese are drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, shouldn't we be allowed to do so too?

They must be made to feel pressure — the pressure you feel every day when you juggle your budget to cope with rising prices. These three people set energy policy in this country. They order Reid and Pelosi to do their bidding, and thanks to them and their allies in the radical environmental movement we are getting economically weaker.

Call Flicker at the Audubon Society at (212) 979-3000.

Call Beinecke at the NRDC at (212) 727-2700.

Call Van Noppen at Earthjustice at (510) 550-6700.

Beware of environmentalists bearing axes.

Contact Reagan at