Where's Tom Sawyer?

Finished my mods on the fence today and started spraying sealer. I thought I was goint to get away with just spraying the stuff on but NOOOOOOOOOO I have to use a brush and roller also. Starting to look pretty nice! Won't be long before the 3 garbage cans have a new home. That short fence on the far left will hide them so you can bearly see the tops from the front. The sealing process wiill take quite awhile since the fence has two sides.


And I haven't done the front fences yet either....I'm starting here though so I can get the area ready for some plants and some lawn seed to spiff it up a bit. The picture kind of sucks because the camera wanted night mode I think. I took the picture at almost dusk. More later

5 responses
you have made a great deal of progress over the last year. There is no place like home. Congrat on all your hard work and clever ideas.
Thanks for the support! hey did I tell you how much fun it is painting the fence...you would love it.
Ya like a Huck Finn for sure. lol
Looks great! Okay, painting the fence IS fun. When I was younger, we found this old vacuum cleaner paint sprayer. It went on the end of the vacuum hose and you attached the hose to the OUT side of the canister vacuum. I mean it was from the 50's - 60's. So anyway, we hooked it up and ended up spraying the entire fence with some old army green paint my dad "found". It did a smashing job. I don't even know of they have those anymore, but it did make it fun. (mom just about killed dad and I for getting green paint all over her vacuum, though)Garbage cans need a home. Jamie wants me to do something like that for us too.
I remember those things. Never used it but we had one. I have a hand spreayer I was using because I was too lazy to pull out the compressor and drag it around even though I have it on a dolly. It's hard pouring the sealer into a 1 quart can though from a 5 gal can...