Landscape Update

Huck Finn showed up with his compressor and spray gun and knocked out the back fence in a couple of hours. Then the landscaper showed up and started being creative with scrap wood. He's got plans to make 2 more of the boxes and put a small lattice thingy behind them so some vines have a place to grow.

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The daisy's tend to droop in the late afternoon but come back by morning. So far, everything seems to like thier new home. It's been really windy and getting into the mid 80's.

3 responses
What a show place you have going. You could charge admission. Love it.
The house is 50 years old and nobody ever got creative until me. I think nature planted what lawn we have....soon to change in this area anyway. Trying to get the main part done before I toss down some seed.
You have done some amazing things already. Looking great.