Posting on Craigslist

Over the last few days I have started to advertise on Craigslist. Basically I am running, or attempting to run, the same AD in several cities. This is of course against the rules.

What I am doing is I have 22 unique titles then change the first paragraph to fit the title. So technically it is a unique ad. Besides thier word chanllege to place the AD. I believe they look at IP address and possibly word count, in addition to scanning for duplicate content, They also look at the account name.

What seems to work is to place 1 AD per day using a single account name.

So far I have 6 ads running in Computer Services. Since each site runs the ad for either 7 or 45 days, I've created a spreadsheet to track my efforts. When the ad expires, I can either renew it or cycle in a fresh new ad.

Here's an example of my titles...

Once a Loser Always a Loser

Tired of Being a Loser yet?

It's ok to be a loser - after all it's your data

And the list goes on....

The titles are meant to be out there and attention grabbing. Certainly not the run of the mill. Since the title and content are related to each other and reflect computer services where the ad is placed, I doubt they will get flagged for removal either. 

Time will tell if the effort pays off or just a waste of time. But the price is right.