If a Woodchuck...

If a woodchuck could chuck wood....

This is what a dogwood does..



I have no clue how big the tree will get but it doesn;t seem to get any taller very fast. It does this every year for about a month or so then fills in with leaves. While the tree is considered indigenous to the area, they are mostly found up in the hills. And apparently, not that many of them exist in comparison to other species.

4 responses
Beautiful color. We do have them around here. Growing wild.
From what I just read it's best to leave them wild. They are prone to diseases and certain bugs. Not sure if mine was a volunteer or someone actually planted it. I respect it though, so it gets care when it needs it.
The only other color I've seen is white
We have pink, yellow and white. I will have to find it, but there is a great spiritual writing about dogwoods.
You got me interested but no big hurry. Thanks