Look What Followed Me Home!


He's gotta stay outside though. Don't know how the other cat would take to it. Lexxy gave it a sniff and a strange look.


I couldn't decide on rock or bark so I ended up doing both. The rock near the lattice is my "right-on" rock. It closely resembles a thumb if you look at it.  The vine next to it has been struggling in a pot for 2 years and finally started taking off this year. I think its a trumpet vine that's supposed to get flowers that I have yet to see.

In the bark area I have some plush psandra starts that grow to about 12x12x12. There are 5 of them in there. They are already twice as big as when I got them a few months ago online.

So except from throwing in a little color in front of the vine, and maybe a couple of solar lights, that project is basically done......finally!

Father's Day Project

Well first off I didn't know it was Father's Day. I was out running the table saw constructing a frame for my lattice and did get a call from my step daughter. That was a nice memory jog anyway. It was going to be 96 degrees so I knocked off early today. I still need to put a board between the two planters and put some weed cloth down in the corner. haven't decided yet if I'm going with rocks or bark.


The little raised boxes are just tall enough to put some real dirt in to get the plants to grow. Underneath is clay. Before adding dirt though I need to water it down and use my weed weasel to loosen the soil...then I mix in some soil ammendment stuff and some decent dirt. That gives about 8" of decent soil for the plants to get started in.

If a Woodchuck...

If a woodchuck could chuck wood....

This is what a dogwood does..



I have no clue how big the tree will get but it doesn;t seem to get any taller very fast. It does this every year for about a month or so then fills in with leaves. While the tree is considered indigenous to the area, they are mostly found up in the hills. And apparently, not that many of them exist in comparison to other species.