Father's Day Project

Well first off I didn't know it was Father's Day. I was out running the table saw constructing a frame for my lattice and did get a call from my step daughter. That was a nice memory jog anyway. It was going to be 96 degrees so I knocked off early today. I still need to put a board between the two planters and put some weed cloth down in the corner. haven't decided yet if I'm going with rocks or bark.


The little raised boxes are just tall enough to put some real dirt in to get the plants to grow. Underneath is clay. Before adding dirt though I need to water it down and use my weed weasel to loosen the soil...then I mix in some soil ammendment stuff and some decent dirt. That gives about 8" of decent soil for the plants to get started in.
8 responses
Yes I liked raised beds. They usually turn out great. Go Dad.
looks like you are making nice progress.
Funny, I worked on a flower bed today, too. I weeded it because that's all that was in it--weeds! ;)
It's alot easier to take care of your garden if certain things are confined. When I was younger, I didn't mind getting down in the dirt. I can sit on a chair or a small stool and weed the garden provided my gut doesnt get in the way or kneel on the edge of the planter. AS I get older that seems like the way to go.
Still get in the dirt but not have so far to get to it.
My next major project I think is going to be a funky planting table with some stair steps (3) mounted to the side of it. to set herbs and stuff that require less sun and generally more care. I'll lean that against the house somewhere.
Thanks. I'm trying to do things with no money which makes it even a harder challenge. But gardening is also a great stress reliever. So any work you do has multiple payoffs...unless the dog decide to dig a hole in the yard.
Dad's High Tech Gardening Tip!
You missed some! They will be back! I bet it looks a lot better though so it's not a waste. If your not going to plant anything in that area, spray it with roundup and cover it with sand. Then throw down some weed cloth and cover it with rocks or bark. The sand helps smother anything under weed cloth.and helps prevent things from growing back.
Later if you decide to plant anything you can cut a hole through the weed cloth and dig a hole to plant something. You will have less weeds to deal with for several years.
I think the wife is going to plant something there. That particular area is shaded and doesn't get a ton of sun. Unfortunately, on the other side of the fence is nature. It's technically protected wetlands, so even though it's OUR property, we can't do much to it. Of course, no one else can, either.
Oh yeah fresh herbs are great. Been a really long time since I had those.